Happiness and Joy - The 5 Essential Elements

Uncategorized Dec 20, 2018

OY.....Kinda the meaning of life when you boil it right down. Embodying happiness & bliss.... it’s what we’re all here to experience.
Yet so few of us know this as our constant reality because true happiness requires that we: 

1) Like who we are (self love)
2) Be who we truly are- embrace & express our authentic real selves (Self Sovereignty) 
3) Do what we truly enjoy & value (Alignment) .

4) Connect authentically & deeply with others, self & spirit (Belonging) .

5) Be in service to others- embody & spread love & light (Truth).
Simple right. .

Yet sadly. Due to our collective conditioning, we hold ourselves back from some or ALL of the above. Making happiness harder to obtain than it ought to be.
However, we always have the superpower of choice. Always.
We can stay stuck. Keep sabotaging and be in suffering...
we can accept absolute accountability for our reality. 

Yup, that takes courage... and time and effort. ,
But rather than keeping on scrolling...maybe genuinely feel into it. Cos, it’s your life, after all. 
Just saying.😉 (PS-I love you 😍 )

So, when you look at the list above....where’s the kink (or full block) in your joy hose? 

What do you need to activate or embody even more to get joy FULLY flowing freely?
Feel into it & let me know. 🙏
For me? I’m committed to expanding even more into the depths of all 5 areas I mentioned...why? 

Well, I’m a joy-junkie & I’m greedy like that ❤️🙏😘 .



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